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GetPaidMail Advertising Matrix.

Investment starting at $2.50
You Receive DIRECT 1.000 Guaranteed Visitors for you $2.50 Investment!!

Every position can make you $52.50 and a Lot of Advertising over and over again.

So you can Make 2100% Profit when you start on Phase 1 for $2.50 and cycle through all phases from the Matrix. And when you are cycled through all the phases you had received also New positions for free to Cycle again. 

Also you receive Advertising in each of the 6 phases in the Matrix. 
You can Buy unlimited positions and you can start into each phase of the matrix.

So it is up to you howmuch you Invest. 

Everyone can promote the same URL and everyone that will signup after you will be placed under you!!!
You not Have to promote it But when you do you will cycle Faster!!

On all Phases we use a straight line Forced matrix. In Phase 1 and 2 ot will be a 1x5 Forced matrix.
In Phase 3 and 4 it wil be a 1x4 Forced matrix. And in Phase 5 and 6 it will be a 1x3 Forced matrix.  

Look Our Table for more Info Or Email to webmaster@getpaidmail.com

  Cost to Join Earn on Cycle New Position Structure of Matrix Advertising
Phase 1 $2.50 EG $2.50 Phase 2 1x5 Forced 1.000 Guaranteed Clicks
Phase 2 $5.00 EG $5.00 Phase 3 1x5 Forced Cheapy Link to all members
Phase 3 $7.50 EG $7.50 Phase 4 1x4 Forced 0.25 Cent ad to all members
Phase 4 $10.00 EG $10.00 Phase 5 + 1 1x4 Forced 1.000 Guaranteed Clicks
Phase 5 (old Banner Matrix) $12.50 EG $12.50 Phase 6 1x3 Forced 50.000 Banner Impressions
Phase 6 (old Email Matrix) $15.00 EG $15.00 Phase 2 1x3 Forced 1 Cent Ad to all members






Buy your Positions!

  Use Egold
Phase 1 Position
Phase 2 Position
Phase 3 Position
Phase 4 Position
Phase 5 Position
Pahse 6 Position

After you Bought your position do not forget to send your advertising to 